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Name (First name surname) *
Oops, please tell us your name.
Job title
Please complete your job title
Company name and BCITO ID number *
Please complete your company name
E-mail *
Please complete your email address
Please enter a valid e-mail address.
What's your mobile number? *
Please complete your mobile number
What is the name of your current BCITO apprentice? *
Please complete your apprentice's name
What is the name of your BCITO Training Advisor? *
Please complete the name of your BCITO Training Advisor
In 500 words or less: - Give us a brief profile of your business. - Tell us how you will use this grant to help you achieve your business goals. - Tell us about your ongoing commitment to training. *
Instructions go here
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Dollar amount requested: *
Please complete the name of your BCITO Training Advisor
If my application is successful, I may be asked to provide BCITO with proof of expenditure at any point in the next 12 months. If asked, I agree to provide that proof. *
Please complete this field
I have read and agree with the terms and conditions and privacy policy of BCITO Building Capability Grant applications. *
Ts & Cs can be found at https://bcito.org.nz/scholarships/bc-grant/
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